during rehearsal
we spent our time looking into one another eyes
friendship -- reimagined
holding -- reimagined
acknowledgement -- reimagined
( no longer as merely reflection )
how we support one another
the only witness that matters here is hers
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score idea:
to not copy
to not copy
to not copy
to meet one another, not by copying
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P; perhaps people don't need to see us be performatively still at this cultural moment in our collective present (post a year of UK lockdowns), perhaps what's far more interesting, is dancing
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to be sat on the floor looking at one another when the audience are invited back into the auditorium to find their seats
looking at one another when audience come in
swivel to look at audience when they are settled
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we're rehearsing in the bedroom
plan of action
eye gazing
head falls and catches
I thought maybe some hand holding movement
being apart when the audience come in
moving toward when they are settled
I still like the idea of being still lying on the floor when they come in
standing side by side turning slowly 360 round holding hands
how does delay play
don't forget shapes
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sensing, sounding, imagining and moving
to not copy
to not copy
to not copy
to meet one another, not by copying
where the response doesn't have to be a reflection
we don't have to mirror one another to let each another know that what the other one did was fine and okay that they did it
e.g. you move your shoulder and I move mine in response, as a communicable way of saying, its okay, I accept you, I still love you
this is cosying up
not reveal
cosying up says; reveal yourself and I will leave my experience to match yours, to make you feel safe
reveal says; what if the safety were so innate, solid, cultivated, that you could fully reveal and need no response from me, no head nod of affection, no slight of acceptance, no shift of reassurance
this is the reveal for which we aim
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we like:
holding hands
reaching to hold hands
we could start by:
eye gazing as audience come in
being apart while audience come in, they settle we move together eye gaze
eye gaze as audience come in, they settle we look at to through them
kneeling still like statues, audience settle we begin to express
lying on the floor
someone walks out and then the other joins, hold hands
sections so far:
eye gazing
hand holding round
grabbing of the hand
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